
FATW Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty One: The Triwizard Tournament:

Harry stood outside with the rest of the students of Hogwarts waiting for the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students to arrive. They were arranged by year and then by house and stood in organized rows, from youngest trembling first year to the tall adult looking seventh years. Hundreds of students filled the lower great lawn clad in their best robes with their cloaks and hats in perfect place. Harry somehow had ended up right by Draco and both boys were doing their best to show they had the better manners and were the coolest at the same time. It was highly amusing to watch as they stood with smug looks and refused to look at each other. All proper decorum was forgot for a moment as both boys watched in amazement as Beauxbatons showed up first with a dozen winged horses pulling a rather large coach behind them.

"They're Abraxan!" Draco said in awe, "the most powerful winged horse there is! Father would have some but the only land suited for them we own is where our hamlet is. Father says we could not turn our people out, we owe them as they owe us."

"Yes, I owe my people as well, I am having the Potter house rebuilt, at least the library survived." Harry said liking the fact he was able to talk to Draco civilly even if it was only business. "That and my people were not harmed by the troops of Grindelwald."

"Ah there we go, that explains the size of the carriage a bit, though of course I am sure the Beauxbatons students will stay there." Draco said.

He said this as the carriage had landed and a student in silk light blue robes got out of the carriage, lowered the step and he bowed low to the lady who stepped from the carriage. Madam Olympe Maxime was very tall, as tall as Hagrid but very lovely too. Her black satin gown hugged her shapely form and her long glossy black hair was done up on her head in an elegant bun. She saw Dumbledore at once and, much to the surprise of most of the students she walked so lightly and gracefully it looked as if she were floating. Dumbledore took her hand and kissed it lightly and both turned to the lake while the twenty Beauxbatons students came to stand by the Hogwarts students.

"Look at Hagrid, what has he done to himself?" Draco asked as Hagrid came up with his beard carefully braided and his hair tamed and tied back as best he could.

"I am surprised it took you this long to notice Draco." Hermione said primly, "he has been that way since the world cup."

"He was there?" Draco asked alarmed.

"Yes, he helped with getting things set up and met with madam Maxime there." Harry said trying not to look smug at knowing something social Draco did not.

"I think I liked the old you better Potter." Draco growled.

Harry just grinned and turned his attention to the lake where a sound much like a plug being pulled came. He watched as first a mast came to view then another and finally the sails and a wooden ship came to view. It floated gracefully to the small dock set up for it and several strong boys build along the lines of Crabbe and Goyle tied off the boat. The stood to both sides as a man in white robes trimmed with sliver fur walked off the boat and up to Dumbledore. Harry did not like him at all, he was tall, with neatly trimmed black hair and goatee that did not hide his weak chin. Yet it was not his looks that made Harry uneasy, there was something dark and evil about him that made Harry feel on edge.

"That is Igor Karkaroff." Neville said, "it is rumored he was a death eater."

"Rumor nothing, he was." Ron muttered darkly by him.

"Ah there is Victor Krum!" Harry said brightening up, "I have been writing him, I hope he can give me some Quidditch pointers."

The students walked into the school and Harry watched as the Durmstrang students went and sat at the Slytherin table and the Beauxbatons sat at the Ravenclaw table. There were only forty more students than normal, a small fraction of the hundreds of Hogwarts students, yet the powder blue and blood red robes made it seem like quite a bit more. There were several chairs set up at the front not just for the heads of the foreign schools but for the head of the international magical cooperation Daniel Meeks, a stern dark haired man with pale green eyes and a silver left arm. The minister was here but not Ludo Bagman, he had been sacked and was headed to Azkaban after it was found out he had stole money to pay off his debts to the Goblins.

Remus had been shocked but not fully surprised when Bagman was arrested for graft, that was something that Fudge would not have caught but Scrimgeour had and acted accordingly. Scrimgeour was perfect for minister at a time like this, working carefully with madam Bones he had done what he had wanted to do for years with the Aurors. He reorganized them following the model of the muggle British police, the only major difference was the standard issue dragonskin armor and boots, and the wands and magical weapons. He had even changed the daily uniforms from the red Auror robes to navy blue jackets, trousers and caps making the Aurors look much more modern and able to blend in. He hired a hundred more Aurors that were in their second year of training and would be fully trained by the end of next year. Lastly he had recruited several wizards and witches with muggle degrees in crime scene investigations to start up a new magical CSI unit.

"So I hear that you have helped add to the wards of Hogwarts, that true professor Lupin?" Scrimgeour asked trying to be civil to the werewolf.

"Yes minister, Severus helped sir, added a few creative touches, as did Filius, Pomona and Minerva too. As heads of houses they have a lot more knowledge of the castle than I do sir." Remus said hoping that his secret would stay, he did not want the map getting out for some reason.

"Hmm, planning on sending me any more gifts?" Scrimgeour growled, clearly he had not gotten over getting Grayback's head from Remus.

"Um no sir, unless you wish some chocolate sir." Remus said.

Scrimgeour just grunted and Remus went back to eating relieved that he was not, at least today going to get hexed by the minister of magic. He watched as Harry was sitting with his friends from Gryffindor laughing and enjoying himself and he saw Fleur by Luna talking to the young Ravenclaw. He was sure they would be talking about things that few others would understand. While many thought Luna a bit daft and loony in fact she was extremely bright and had a hard time relating to others at times. Yet Fleur was part Veela (a tribe of true elves) and could, as Remus knew understand and befriend the young girl. He smiled, wondering how things would turn out, so much had changed, he had destroyed all the Horcruxes but Nagini and the Harp as he could not find either yet. He was not happy that Voldemort had to come back as Fate had warned him but at least this time they would all be prepared for it.


The next day dawned bright and cold and Remus had been in a good mood that day, until he was called to see the headmaster and found both Severus and Lucius there. Though Severus and Lucius were dear friends (in fact they were blood brothers) today there was tension in the air. Remus took a seat and wondered if Dumbledore was really going to go through trusting Lucius. Lucius may have turned away from Voldemort but Remus did not fully believe him. He knew the wizard had joined Voldemort willingly curse or no curse from his grandfather.

"Headmaster why is Lucius Malfoy here?" Remus asked.

"I asked him here, I have a few questions for him." Dumbledore said, "Lucius I want you to answer truthfully. Did you willingly join Voldemort or did the curse your grandfather force you to?"

"I joined willingly headmaster." Lucius said, "I thought he would make our world better, to protect it, I don't trust muggleborn, they could expose our world. If the muggles turned against us the muggleborn would go with their muggle families. I believed he was going to keep our world safe, to put those in their place that were a threat. It was only a few months after I joined I knew he had lied. I quickly rose in his ranks, became his right hand man and manage to help stay his temper and save lives that way. I fear if he came back that is the role I would have to take again."

"He will come back, I am sorry but he will, however be that as it may would you do anything to stop him from coming back?" Dumbledore asked.

"Would I have to work with muggleborn and muggles?" Lucius asked.

"You would." Dumbledore said watching the pureblood wizard closely.

"I will do it, I swear I will, I will make the unbreakable vow." Lucius said. "Even if I have to help protect muggleborn."

"Very well then." Dumbledore said.

Remus knew the headmaster would trust Lucius without this and he was not sure that was such a good idea. He was relieved when Lucius was bound by the vow with Severus as the witness, he wondered why the headmaster would trust Lucius like this. Then again he was making him promise to not go against the headmaster or reveal what he was told here today. It was a risk but a smart one, Riddle would never suspect his top lieutenant of going against him. When this was done Lucius sat back in his chair looking a bit pale but determined. He was still a pureblood bigoted git but at least he was trying to do the right thing, at least he was bound so he could not go against the side of light.

"Well that was charming but I have to get back to a detention I am overseeing." Remus said getting up to leave the room.

"You have no reason to hate me werewolf." Lucius said causing Remus to turn to face him, "I never told your secret in school."

"No but that was not fully to protect me was it?" Remus asked.

"I never asked you to join him!" Lucius shouted. "I never took advantage of you and you know it!"

"Do shut up Lucy you are giving me a headache." Severus said silkily, "and let Remus get to his detention of the golden brat."

"Kindly do not call Harry a brat Severus." Dumbledore said sternly.

"Well right about now he is testing his boundaries." Remus said, "he was talking about, well you know the wards that keep children from certain activities? He was whining about having the equipment but not being able to do a thing with it and that it was unfair. He cursed the wards in place to prevent sexual activities."

Lucius actually started to laugh, he found this very funny. He had learned rather quickly himself in a painful way about the chastity wards. The founders had a rather medieval view on things, they were more concerned with keeping their charges chaste yet at the same time they were not concerned if their charges were violent with their magic or fists. Severus's eyes glittered and a small smile was on his lips, he too found this amusing and realized that hormonal teens really did need this kind of protection. Remus left the room to go and see if Harry had finished his three hundred lines of I will not disrespect my professors yet. He was sure Harry thought he was mean right about now but he would get over it, and later, much later thank Remus for helping him become a fine young man. If Remus did not turn the teen into a vase or something less annoying than a teen boy!


That evening Harry sat at the Gryffindor table sulking, part of him was miffed at the detention but the more rational part of him knew he was out of line. He should have listened to Remus but no he just had to push his godfather and end up doing lines. Left handed. Remus could be so evil at times! At least he had the feast and the choosing of the champions to distract him. He enjoyed the feast almost as much as he had the one the night before and noticed all the lovely, lovely girls in Hogwarts. He was sure that Fleur Delacour was part Veela and was (so he thought) careful to avoid her. He at well nearly rivaling Ron who had, finally learned manners, he was eating just as fast as always but he did so with mouth closed. He may wail and moan about all the studying he had to do now but one could not say he had not learned a lot under master Dawlish. Though he would always hate studying and complain bitterly about it he would do it as a means to becoming his own man.

"I cannot believe professor Lupin made me do lines like that." Harry grumbled.

"I know, it's not as if you were going to sneak off to Hogsmeade and find a shapely witch where you?" Ron said after he had swallowed his food. He looked up at Harry narrowing his eyes, "you were not were you?"

"I ah, well I am a boy Ron and well…."

"Then professor Lupin went far too easy on you." Ginny said from where she sat glaring at Harry. "I cannot believe you Harry!"

"He is a boy Ginny, boys think mainly with one thing." Hermione said next to her friend, "and that item is not between their ears."

Both Ron and Harry went red at that comment not expecting that from Hermione at all. Before a row broke out Dumbledore rose to announce the drawing of the champions. Remus watched this intently hoping that the timeline had changed enough Harry was not in the drawing. The first name came forth and it was Victor Krum from Durmstrang. He got up and slumped to the door to the antechamber and went through. Next drawn was Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons. Then came Cedric Diggory from Hogwarts. He had disappeared through the door and Remus waited and waited. The goblet went out and no other names came out. It was done, Harry was not in the tournament and Remus was very happy, he grinned and Severus glared at him shoving a small bag of gold to him.

"Here Remus, I do not know how you did it but you are due the winnings for guessing it would be Hufflepuff representing Hogwarts." Severus said silkily.

"Yes I was not the only one who wisely bet on Hufflepuff." Remus said watching Fred and George collect their bets. "Besides this will unite the school, Hufflepuff it seems as made the perfect champion."

"Willing to bet on that?" Severus asked.

"Yes, yes I would." Remus said.

Remus could not help but grin, things were going so well so far. Harry was not the fourth champion and he could enjoy the tournament without having to worry about being in it. Remus reached over and happily took another piece of chocolate sponge cake and happily ate it realizing this could very well be a great year indeed.


So yes Lucius did join Voldemort willingly as we all know, he needed to state he had. Having him pledge to do what was right for the magical world makes since, after all he is very powerful and having him just go back and forth never really choosing a master is a waste of his talents. This way he will have to do what is right, though he will still be a nasty arrogant man.

As for wards on Hogwarts to keep children from having sexual relations, it would not be so far a leap for this to happen. After all Hogwarts was founded in the dark ages and parents would be more concerned with chaste children than a child surviving say a potions accident. However all a teen has to do to get around that is head to the forbidden forest or to Hogsmeade. Harry is a teen boy and teen boys do think about sex and how to get it a bit more than teen girls. This would get him in trouble as well he is still a boy well trained head of house or not!

So anyway thank you for reading and do leave a review!

I do not own the characters of Harry Potter, these belong to that wonderful author JK Rowling and the various publishing companies used to publish her works. I am however borrowing them, no not to make money but for fun and fun only.


After Remus Lupin dies in the battle of Hogwarts he meets Fate and learns he must head back in time to change the future. Of course this means helping more people than just Harry. He will do his best to change more lives for the better too. Let the fun began as he gets a second chance! Strong T for violence, some language nudity and some talk of sexual stuff.
© 2011 - 2024 Raiderhater1013
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